Mrs. Ami Hawkins' Professional Portfolio

Teaching Expierence

Microcomputers in the Classroom
Teaching Social Studies
Teaching Math
Teaching Expierence
Student Teaching
Teaching Linguistically Diverse
Childrens Literature
Special Needs Populations
Teaching Reading I
Teaching Reading II
Oral and Written Language
Teaching Science
teacher resources
Contact Me
My Resume

The teaching experience was sections in 3 phases.

Phase 1 was observation. We spent up to 40 hours observing different teachers and learning from those experiences what we might want to include (or defiantly not include) in our teaching styles and future classes. This was a great experience because it allowed us plenty of time to observe other skilled teachers and get some great ideas.

Phase 2 was a focused observation with one classroom. We were to observe the same teacher 10 hours a week, two hours a day, for 2 weeks. This was fantastic because we were able to see how the teacher adjusted their lessons throughout the weeks to make accommodations to their teaching. We were also able to get to know the students strengths and needs and how that teacher taught to them.

Phase 3 was ten consecutive days that we were to teach the class and subject we just observed. The goal was to develop a lesson to teach and be able to use the time to adjust the lesson to meet the needs of the students. In these ten days we were able to see what it would be like to not cover all of the material in one day that we wanted and have to come back to it the next day. I learned a lot about pacing and classroom management. During my teaching time the other classroom teacher was not supposed to be in the room, so I had full responsibility of teaching the lesson and assessing understanding, as well as making announcements and dealing with behavioral issues.

Below are the week lessons that I developed for my teaching time.

First week.....

The Highway Man Week Lesson








Students will discuss, read, analyze and think about Alfred Noyes’ The Highway Man. Students will understand vocabulary and learn about literary devises used in the story. Onomatopoeia and rhythm will be compared to Poe’s Annabel Lee.













Materials/ Resources:

Alfred Noles’ The Highway Man. Tape player. Recording of Alfred Noles’ The Highway Man. Independent activity in students workbook.




Prior Knowledge: 

Students will need to be familiar with Poe’s Annabel Lee which we read last week. Students will also need a basic knowledge of what a literary devise is and why they are important. Students should have gained knowledge of some devises during the school year.

Prerequisite Skills: 

Students will need reading and writing skills. They will also need critical thinking skills which they developed earlier this year.


Guided Practice:  Hook- I will hook the students interest by reading The Highway Man aloud to the class on two days (Tues and Wends). DLR is also a hook every day that will get the students focused. We will begin by introducing some of the vocabulary of the story and understanding the definitions and the meaning of the unfamiliar words. We will then go over literary devises used in the story and discuss why authors use them and what desired feel comes from the use of those devises. Finally we will listen to a recording of the story and discuss it in more depth. We will compare and contrast between this story and Annabel Lee which they already read. We will focus on Onomatopoeia and rhythm. Finally the teacher will reread the story aloud to the class after they discuss what they will be listening for (deeper understanding, vocab, literary devises). Teacher will pause frequently to draw attention to specific details. After the reading teacher will introduce the independent activity the students will complete in their workbooks. Students will complete activity to be turned in at the end of Friday.


Students will be assessed by completion of independent activity which will be graded and points will count towards their grade. They will also be assessed through their participation in classroom discussion and understanding of objectives. Students active learning and understanding will be assessed through notes taken in their workbook as a participation grade.


Wrap Up:

At the end of each day student will discuss what they learned and finish notes. They will put folders away and clean their area. Some time for socializing might be leftover at the end.

Independent Practice:

Independent activity in their LA workbooks will be completed and turned in by Friday. Activity will focus on understanding of the story.












Second week....

Four Square Week Lesson

Objective: Students will practice dissecting essays in order to identify details, explanation and elaboration. Students will use the four square graphic organizer format to organize thoughts and break down/outline essays. Students will practice on previously written essays to gain familiarity and understanding of the essay writing process for writing their own essay. Students will use acquired knowledge to write their own essay due at the end of the week.





Materials/ Resources: Overhead projector, transparencies, markers: red, black, green, blue, copies of My Home and Spaghetti Guy for the class, copies of graphic organizer for the class.




Prior Knowledge: 

Students will need to have already learned about thesis sentences and how to use transition words. They will need to have already learned what details, explanations and elaborations are and their differences, and how to use them to make a well developed essay.

Prerequisite Skills: 

Students will need reading and writing skills. They will also need critical thinking skills which they developed earlier this year.


Guided Practice:  Hook- DLR will be used every day as a bell ringer to focus the students and get them thinking. We will go over their DLR as a class to make corrections and discuss differences in understanding and finding proof in story to support understanding of mood and tone. Students will then use their colored pencils, crayons or markers to outline the essay My Home. They work in groups to distinguish between details, explanation and elaboration using the different colors. We will then go over My Home as a class on the projector so students can check their work and gain further understanding. After My Home is outlined and colored as a class we will use the 4 square to organize our details, explanations and elaborations. Once My Home is completed the same process will be used for Spaghetti Guy. Once Spaghetti Guy is finished students will have sufficient experience wit organizing essays to write their own essay using the 4 square format/graphic organizer.


Students will be assessed by completion of My Home and Spaghetti Guy. Their independent activity (their personal essay) will be graded and points will count towards their grade. They will also be assessed through their participation in classroom discussion and understanding of objectives. Students active learning and understanding will be assessed through notes taken on their activity sheet as a participation grade.


Wrap Up:

At the end of each day student will discuss what they learned and finish notes. They will put folders away and clean their area. Some time for socializing might be leftover at the end.

Independent Practice:

For their independent activity students will write their own essay following the four square format. Students will choose from topics we have already discussed in class. Both completed essay and 4 square graphic organizer outline will be turned in for a grade.