The plan-
This was our first meeting with our literature
circle reading groups. I am really excited to be working with these kids mainly because it is the grade level that I
plan to teach.
Visit a timeline and give WWII history and
Talk about the significance Judaism to these
Discuss how we will read this.
Give simple info on book.
What happened-
The kids where a little closed off and quiet,
but they don’t know us yet. I think I am going to bring candy as a form of bribery to get them talking.
Today we mainly talked about what we are
going to be doing. We talked about WWII and gave some background. A main topic we talked about is Judaism not only being a
religion, but also being an identity, like a race, that their entire history as a people is tied up in.
Sarah wanted to visit a timeline she made,
but unfortunately it did not work out well because the computers were such a distraction. Today was hard, but we defiantly
figured out what did and didn’t work. For future reference, no computers, it was too loud and distracting in class (we
should meet someplace else that is more relaxed), we need to get them comfortable, we need to get them talking, we need to
make it fun.
Towards the end we asked the kids how they
want to read the book. We talked about the number of days we have and the number of pages. They decided they would read at
home instead of during our class time. Their weekly goal is about 30 pages per week.
The plan-
To make it fun we will start off with an ice breaker.
If this works we will do it every time.
Then answer any questions they might have from the
Was the reading too much? What do we want to do?
What happened-
The ice breaker was fun and made every one laugh.
We played a goofy game called 2 truths and a lie. It was silly and they loosened
We answered questions for a long time while trying
to prompt them to think about the answer and possibilities themselves. We also gave them more info and asked them questions
to get them thinking critically. The candy worked great. They were thinking of ANYTHING to ask just to get a candy. I will
bring bribery every day now.
It ended up that most everyone read far past the 30
page goal. So we will keep it the same.
The plan-
The ice breaker
Answered any questions, address
any comment.
Spit up into groups.
Assign different roles and talk about the idea of literature
Get started!
Come back into a big group and discuss main ideas.
Journal if we have time.
What happened-
The ice breaker was fun again. We played a goofy name
game to help us memorize their names.
We answered questions for a long time again. Again
we tried to prompt them to think about the answer and possibilities themselves. We also gave them more info and asked them
questions to get them thinking critically.
We split
them into groups and let them pick survivor style. I am not sure if this is bad or good because it ended up all boys in one
group, girls in the other.
We assigned
roles and talked a little, but then it was time to go.
we forgot to ask them to get their journals.
The plan-
Ice breaker
and discussion
Get back
together to discuss as a hole.
Ice breaker
went great.
We forgot
the journals againL
Our first
group discussion went great. We told them next time the teachers were not going to say anything, it was their job to keep
it going.
The plan-
Go over
questions and comments
up into groups.
Come back together as a class
Sarah expressed to us the difficulties she is having keeping the girls on tract with their discussions. So next time me and
Elsie will take the girls and Sarah and Glenna will take the boys.
We forgot the journals. We will will will remember them next time.
went great again! Wow I feel lucky. The boys are really into it.
The plan-
up into our groups
come back together as a large group
how to divide up groups.
was right. The girls are difficult to keep on tract. We are use to the boys taking over and no worries. The girls however,
need constant prompting. I talked to their teacher today to get some ideas and she suggested focusing on emotions and girls
maturing and stuff. The girls seemed to understand deeply the topic we discussed, but were still hesitant to discuss it. I
think it’s because it is so similar to themselves and so close to their hearts that they do not want to talk about it.
We focused on how important it is to be themselves and how hard it is when the people who they love, mom, dad, so on, want
them to be something different then what they are. I think they understand the significance but will not be willing to talk
openly about it. I will suggest to Sarah that next time instead of talking that we split into smaller groups and try to do
some improve or game to get them into the emotions. I do not think discussion will work for the girls as well as it does for
the boys.
The plan-
Journal!!!!!! We haven’t once done a journal we need need need to. I think they are very important and not doing them so far
is very hindering.
Share journal
Split groups, have them play something, I will need to talk to the other teachers.
Yeah! We journaled finally.
We shared our writing.
Then the class was short, we had to go.