Poetry performance
Aw, the poetry performance. Well this was very different then what I am use to. Although it has been 5 years I still have
an idea about performing, but this was unlike anything I have ever done. First no one was prepared. It is difficult for me
to do anything called a performance confidently that we have rehearsed less than 1 hour for . Yeiks! It was also a challenge
because many of our class dose not like or had any experience performing. So when told to “get into character”
I am sure few knew really what that meant, none the less how to do it. This made me very nervous, more nervous than I had
ever been really.
Ok, so I know it isn’t a formal performance and more creative and abstract. Perhaps it is because I am use to something
different, but I was still very scared. To make matters worse my partner didn’t know her lines. So all the while I was
only thinking of her and her lines and making us look horrible. Well she pulled it off, and did a fabulous job, but because
I was so focused on her I totally lost all my lines! isn’t that ironic! I made it all up and tried hard to make them
rhyme, but really I only remembered half of the lines while I was on stage and had to improve the rest.
The over all performance was really good. I didn’t get to look at the kids any because we were the last to go and
after that I was the green slug thing and then in the Peach poem. But it seemed like they liked it . I heard some laughter
behind the sheet. I did have fun. I was angry at myself for loosing my focus, but I had a good time.
I think it is easier to do something like this with someone with no formal experience. I had a hard time because I have
learned to only see gray out in the audience when I am on stage. In this case it is better to look at the kids and play with
the audience, I however did not because it seemed so wrong to me.
I think this was a good experience. I think it was worth it for the kids. I would defiantly do it again, but hopefully
with more practice.