Mrs. Ami Hawkins' Professional Portfolio

Oral and Written Language

Microcomputers in the Classroom
Teaching Social Studies
Teaching Math
Teaching Expierence
Student Teaching
Teaching Linguistically Diverse
Childrens Literature
Special Needs Populations
Teaching Reading I
Teaching Reading II
Oral and Written Language
Teaching Science
teacher resources
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In Oral and Written Language we focused on how the speaking, listening, reading and writing skills are developed, and learned how to differentiate our instruction to reach students at different skill levels. As a continued assignment we were to choose a partner to team teach with and develop lessons focused on the skills we wanted the students to gain or expand. We met repeatedly with the same classroom to build relationships with the students and to present our lessons. My partner and I decided to teach with well prepared centers that the students could go to. This was a good decision because students had choices where to go and could learn the content in a way they were comfortable with. The centers were hands on, but developed so that they would scaffold to the level that the student was at. This was also a good decision because it left us time to work one-on-one with students who needed more help.



Below is a sample lesson break down for one of the lessons we taught.

Assignment 4:  Speaking Lesson

Amber Granger and Ami Hawkins



What speaking concept will be taught?

Our objective is to have the students work on speaking by discussing, connecting, and sharing stories.  They will read aloud to each other.  They will also tell their stories to the class.

What correlated listening concept will be taught?

We will be teaching aesthetic speaking by having the students tell stories.  Also efferent listening by show and telling their story.

Why are these objectives important to learn?

Life is about speaking and listening.  Students that are good speakers will be able to get their points across.  Being better listeners will help the children learn and understand concepts better. 

Prior skill needed?

Students will need basic reading and writing skills.  They will also need to know how centers are ran and what to do when they are done at a center.

Skills needed to master objective?

Students will need to be able to create their own story and speak in front of their peers.  

Making personal connections?

Students will make personal connections through their personal writing.  Students will write their own version of the story and share it with their partners.  Students will also get up in front of the class and share a one minute presentation of their story.




Literature used?

The Library Dragon and Puff the Magic Dragon.  There will also be other dragon related books for students to use as references.

Materials needed?

Books, paper, writing utensils, center boards, CD player, cds, printouts, folders, dragon cutouts.

What is the hook?

Our hook will be the read aloud and also both teachers will tell a story off the top of their heads.


Centers will be placed around the outside of the room.  Center of the room will be used for read aloud, discussions, and other dragon themed books.

-read aloud

-teacher story

-centers:  students will be able to choose a partner and move from center to center.  They will have a list of have to dos and choices.  Centers will be worked at their own pace.

Explain concept?

We will have a center walk and brief description.  Students will explore concepts on their own and use each other to build on learning.

Checking for understanding?

Students will turn their activity work into a center folder.  Work turned in will be one form of assessment.  We will also assess them through informal observation.  Teachers will float around centers to help if needed while interjecting minimally.  Students will also be assessed through their participation.

Differentiate instruction?

Centers will be used as differentiating instruction.  Students will be able to choose their centers and also work at their own pace.




What will be assessed?

We will assess the students based on their active use of each speaking center.  Students will be assessed on their understanding, practice, and use of each different speaking type through their participation and gaining experience using that speaking type.  We will assess application of learned skills through observation and work turned into folders.

Who will be assessed?

            Students will be assessed both as individuals and as participants in a whole group.

How will we know students have learned?

Students will share their learning with each other and with the teachers.  Students will show us what they learned through their participation.  Students will share their learning with the class through mutual exploration.  Students will also be evident in work turned in, discussion, personal reflection, active participations and the buzz of a busy and engaged classroom.

Documented learning?

Work turned into center folders and anecdotal notes taken by the teacher through classroom observation.


Students may be able to repeat an activity at a center more than once if they choose.  Additional centers with different activities which address the same topic will be added later in the semester.