This is the second semester I have been working with charlotte’s class and it is a pleasure. I love those kids and
got to know them well last semester, but this semester I get to really get to know two of them well. So far I am having a
great time with the chautauqua. Brandin and Janielle are working hard and plugging along.
I love that this class has us working with real kids. I want to teach in Middle school, but this is great experience.
It is also reliving to be with the same kids every week. More of my classes are trying to do this, this semester and I am
grateful to be able to see the improvement in the kids as weeks go by.
Course strands
Communication-I have
been working hard on this, this semester. I know in order to be a good teacher we need to communicate clearly with our students.
We need to be able to tell them what we expect, that we care and be able to support and motivate. But communication is a two
way thing. We need to be able to listen, understand and be open to our students. At all grade levels how can they tell us
what they need if we don’t listen? Communication is important in all aspects of life,
but as a teacher it is even more important than it is to most. Communication is not just being able to make yourself clear,
communicating involves both sides. In order to communicate you must be able to understand the student as well. Without good
communication the students will never learn, but even more importantly, if they do not know that the teacher cares and is
listening they will never open up, and they will never let that teacher help them. At all ages they need to know that someone
cares and it is most important to communicate this properly. Then, when they start opening up the teacher needs to LISTEN!!
It is important as a teacher to be good at this second part of communicating,
the listening, because without a two way communication then the teacher is just talking. In order for a teacher to do their
job properly they must not only teach, but they must care and do their best to affect the student’s life in a positive
way. Without proper communication this is impossible and then the teacher is only talking at the head of the class. The importance
of listening is something I have been working hard on this semester. It is easy for teachers to tell and talk, but listening
may not always come natural. In my groups I have really been trying to listen to everything they say. This helps me get to
know them and also understand them more. Listening helps build trust too.
Research/content- I think the research we are doing in this class is more intuitive.
We are learning by researching ourselves. We are learning what we are capable of and testing the waters of our future teaching
career. I think making a chautauqua was difficult for a lot of us, but we got up there and did a great job. We found something
within ourselves and this is really significant for us as teachers. Aside from that I have another soap box on research. Students
in elementary school are being taught to read all books cover to cover. This is great for fantasy reading, but makes reading
a real buzz kill when reading textbooks. Students need to be taught how to research, how to read different things. When doing
research you do no usually read everything cover to cover. You find important information and scan over it until you narrow
information down. Then you read it all the way through. Kids need to be taught this skill because not knowing how to research
makes studying painfully boring.
Technology- I think learning and using technology is absolutely necessary in today’s world. Teachers need to know how to use
and teach different types of technology. The resources are out there we should take advantage of it. Technology can help bridge
the communication gap and also help students learn through all learning styles. A teacher could teach with any type of technology
and address several learning styles at the same time. Other technology that we use in our class is the web page. This is a
great way to see how others are doing and communicate (see communication section) with each other. It is great to get
pointers and advice. The sight being accusable through the internet on any computer is also a plus. This makes t easy to post
homework more often. I will use the tripod for my classes too when I teach because parents can look at work or home to see
how their kids are doing.
Collaboration -Collaboration
is important especially as a new teacher because other teachers can help so much. They can give new ideas and suggestions.
It is always nice to get a second opinion. Collaboration for teachers has become more and more popular. In many schools there
are teaching teams. This is great because no mind thinks alike. Collaborating really makes it possible to work out many glitches
in a lesson plan. A new teacher could learn so much from their team mates. I think all experiences are important and I can
only have my own personal experience. Collaborating will only add to a teacher’s effectiveness.
5 dimensions of learning
Confidence and Independence-I must have the confidence to know I can learn
and do well. I must have the independence to know I can do it by myself. These are ideas I need to drill into my head. They
are also things I need to teach my students. Although help isn’t bad, and a teacher should be available to give it,
independence and confidence go hand in hand and are very important to learning. I have seen many kids who will ask for help
on every single question and do perfect while I am standing there and as soon as I walk away lose confidence. This is something students need to be taught. It is also something I need to practice. I could use more
confidence and independence in my work. Today I know I have confidence and independence and that has made me a better student.
I know I can learn on my own and I know I can learn to do things the right way, but I have no clue how to teach it. It can
be learned though practice. Kids need to discover their potential. They need to know it is ok to try and get a wrong answer.
The important aspect is not the answer, it is the thinking. This way they will truly understand the concept. I hope to be
able to teach my students this.
Knowledge content- For someone to learn, especially on their own, they must
have a basis of knowledge. Every student has some knowledge content and as teachers we must build on what is already established.
Even kindergarteners have an idea of how things work in the world. Balls fall when you let them go, there are different colors,
and sometimes there are a lot of something and sometimes only a little. We must start at their level; we must start with their
knowledge content and build on that. It will do no good teaching above their heads. My
knowledge content is growing every day and I hope will never stop. I think for
teachers experience is the most important aspect to becoming a good teacher. This class has given me experience and has built
on what I already knew. As teachers we will never stop building. We will learn
from each other and from our students for the rest of our lives.
Skills and Strategies -A teacher must have a million strategies
to teach affectively. I want to be a middle school teacher, who has like 150 kids who all learn differently. So I will need
150 different strategies every year. If one strategy of teaching does not work go to the next. One skill I learned this semester
is finding and using different strategies. This isn’t as easy as it looks. It is hard because teachers tend to want
to keep things as easy and familiar for themselves as possible. To reach every kid this is not possible. In our small groups
I have tried a number of different approaches. Being able to find a different way is a skill it it’s self. By constantly
looking for a better way I can become a better teacher and the students may become better learners.
Use of Prior and Emerging Experience-Being a sub for a year has defiantly helped me know what to expect and what to do. But working
with the same kids every day is different too, and I have learned a lot from simply getting to know them. Knowing your students
well makes teaching them and reaching them easier. I am glad for my experience and it has helped me to be versatile, but I
am still learning so much.
Reflectiveness (Critical Awareness)-As a teacher one must always reflect on the class. What worked and what didn’t, who needs
help in what area. How to differentiate. It is critical to be aware of the class room, but it is also important to think critically
on how to fix any problems. What can I do to get through to this kid? What can I do to reach everyone? And many more questions
we as teachers ask ourselves. Reflecting on a class is important. Taking notes is a helpful way a teacher notices something.
A teacher can always do better. We just need to pay attention to how. Our students will in one way or another let us know.
Midterm evaluation
Evaluation of grade -I think I deserve an A+ because I have been working hard to find different ways to help my kids. We are having fun
working together and I think they would give me an A+ because learning is fun and all three of us enjoy it. I have been in
class almost every day. I have only missed one session. I participate well and am motivated and dedicated. I love those kids!
Future Development- I just wanted to say I LOVE the fieldtrips. At first I thought they would be a pain in the butt, but they have really
opened my eyes to what is available in this area. Having this knowledge and resources will definitely help me as a teacher.
As for my personal development I think practice and experience will fit the bill. I am learning so much, but I need to apply
that learning in a classroom. Working with the kids is great, but two children do not quite meet the demands as an entire
Class Activities- I noticed how you really worked hard this semester
to implement our suggestions from last semester and I appreciate it. Thanks so much for using our feedback to make class easier
for us. If others haven’t noticed it I have and thank you. As for more improvements…..I don’t know what
to suggest. Can you pause time? I know better than that, but it would be helpful. You should work on it. Hehe. To be honest
I don’t want more time in class because that would mean more credit hours for the class, but there is so much to work
on and talk about. You work on stopping the passage of time. I think that would be easiest. I will help if I can. Just think
about it really hard. Hehe.